Crossword creation is difficult. Crossword Studio is a tool for crossword creators, to build crosswords and word searches at any level of difficulty, of any shape!
- Create newspaper style crosswords.
- Get suggestions for words while you create your crossword
- Automatically generate themed criss-cross style crosswords from your word lists.
- Create word searches - manually or automatically generate using your own word list.
- Form crossword and word search grids into custom shapes.
- Set the theme of your puzzle with colors, including a background image.
- Print or export to an image, a web page, or a .puz file (crosswords only) to import to other popular Crossword software.
- Support for creating grids in several languages, including right-to-left languages Arabic and Hebrew.
Available on the Mac App Store for $29.99
Not sure? Try the DemoLooking for help with Crossword Studio? Here is the help document.